Lakes News

Day 5; My last day:

When I’d come back from making the tea this morning, I wanted to have a look at the floor we’d painted yesterday, unfortunately, it was worse than it was when we’d left. When I asked James what I should do today, he gave me a camera and told me to take pictures of the staff

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Day 4:

Tea. I began my duties today by shredding yesterday’s letters and folding the freshly printed, correctly dated ones up into the required envelope sizes. When I had finished this, Hayley and I went out into the Lakes Garage Doors Garstang showroom to do a bit more scraping to the paint as James had gone to

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Day 3:

Today, again, first of all I was asked to make everyone at Lakes Garage Doors Garstang tea.  I think this is becoming obvious! The account manager went away on Holiday this morning so I am going to be covering on her duties for the rest of the week. When everyone had got started, my office

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Day 2:

Today was so funny! Again, my first job was to make tea for the rest of the workers, but not long after we’d all drunk up, I was told I was attending a business meeting with James! This meeting was so that our roller garage door supplier could meet our Wirral office sales manager –

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