Day 3:

Today, again, first of all I was asked to make everyone at Lakes Garage Doors Garstang tea.  I think this is becoming obvious! The account manager went away on Holiday this morning so I am going to be covering on her duties for the rest of the week.

When everyone had got started, my office manager, other wise known as Hayley, my big sister, came over and showed me how to create a mail merge. I was asked to do this so that people’s names and addresses didn’t have to be typed out at the top of every letter. I was a bit confused at first as it seemed too simple for such a complex looking spreadsheet, but none the less, I got it completed in approximately 1 hour and a half.

Once my spreadsheet was all typed up and ready to be transferred onto letters, Hayley sent them to be printed for me. While we waited for them to print – sounds like a quick process, but there were 150! – Hayley gave me leaflets to put into the envelopes. They didn’t fit in, so each and everyone had to be folded to suit the envelope size.

When the letters had all printed out, I began folding and placing into the envelopes. Unfortunately, when I was finally on my last 4 or 5 letters, I realised something extremely relevant… ”Hayley, have you deliberately set the date to the 3rd of February?”

Of corse, I’m going to have to repeate this job in the morning!