Day 5; My last day:

When I’d come back from making the tea this morning, I wanted to have a look at the floor we’d painted yesterday, unfortunately, it was worse than it was when we’d left. When I asked James what I should do today, he gave me a camera and told me to take pictures of the staff doing their jobs.

First of all, I took some pictures of Hayley while she was on the phone and looking at her laptop – she looks very professional! I then went outside and took some snap-shots of the boys who were unloading, and loading up the van before they began their repairs.

When I was happy with my pictures, I was asked to create a Gliderol (another brand of  garage door supplier) price list for Jerry at our garage doors wirral office. This was a document which required me to learn a lot of new skills – as I wasn’t very good at all at using Microsoft Excel before today! This took quite a long time but when I looked back on it with James, I must say, I felt quite proud as he confirmed that I had made no mistakes! The only thing that had forgotten was that I needed to add in a key to make it easier to read!

I’ve had a really interesting week this week and I’ve learnt so many new practical skills!

Thank you Lakes!